Friday 5 April 2013

Ok, Ok I'll do it

Two in a day apparently this isn't enough about me, Manic the Person behind the horror facade, even though I write, watch, breath, bleed and dream in horror. But yes, apparently I should tell you a little bit more about myself, which I find a bit uncomfortable, well considering I'm part of the fear mythos lets use that as a starting point. As I've said before I play Rugby, a fun, brutal sport, and I earn my money doing laboring, or manual labor, for the americorns, so it's easy to see I am quite an active person, and maybe I don't properly fit into the mythos as I myself don't feel alienated from society, or enjoy the company of the internet, I don't try and seek an escape from my life, I just don't like 'people'. Wandering off though, I have a nightmare, well recently I never had a nightmare before, I wake up and try to get out of bed to find that my legs don't work, which already sends me into a panic so great my heart starts going, I call for help and no one comes, I crawl out of the room and still can't get up. I mange to slide myself downstairs but slip and hit my head, I wake up in a hospital, no one is there again, I wait for a day, bemoaning the lose of my legs, crying, I never cry and I mean never, teh dream then just consists of me trying to get out of the bed and being put back in by something until I feel something in me die, or wither, or just fade.

MY legs to me mean my freedom, I'm good at something I'm fast, I fly when I run, in my soul I am free for just a few minutes, and when I score a try in a match my soul soars to an unimaginable height. This may make me look like a person who is not very deep or sensitive, but that's just how I am, I fear being alone, I fear being a prisoner in my own body, I fear never being able to fly again.

-The person you call Manic

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